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MadCap Money
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MADCAP MONEY We are creating a token for The MadCap Group. We began as just a few lifelong friends that made several failed attempts at making money online and working from home, before finally figuring out day trading a couple years ago. We have since figured out how to be successful with a few other online revenue streams. The methods we used for each are currently being detailed in step by step guides to be published on our website, , currently under construction as well. Our new project will be taking on E-Commerce stores for the first time. The tokens will be accepted on our website and at the stoes, MadMarkets. Our intent is to have promos and discounts for purchases made with MadCap Money. On top of the discounts for making purchases with MadCap Money, you will be helping us support an organization that played an important role in our lives not so long ago. The Ronald McDoald House of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois. 10% of all MadCap Group profits are donated to them. Two of us actually each had a child born about 2 1/2 months early, requiring extended stays at the University of Iowa's Stead Family Children's Hospital. If any of you are familiar with the University of Iowa football games, that is the hospital overlooking Kinnick Stadium where everyone waves to the kids at the end of the first quarter. Located in Iowa City, Iowa, it is a couple hundred miles from our homes. The Ronald McDonald House enabled us to be there with our children every day throughout their months long hospitalizations. That simply would not have been possible without them. The staff couldn't have been any more helpful. Anything we could have ever needed was taken care of by the truly wonderful people at the Ronald McDonald House. So, we decided that if we ever did start making money with any of our ventures together, we would give back to help other families dealing with a childs' health issues. I know that got kind of long, but to sum things up, MadCap Money will be accepted on our website and at our stores. It will be the payment method our promos and discounts utilize. 10% of all MadCap Group profits, from all of our projects, are donated to the Ronald McDonald House of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois. So, grab some MadCap Money, save yourself some money and help us support a truly wonderful organization in the process. Thanks, The MadCap Group

crée le:
10 Jun 2021
Déjà déployé
9 999 032.2280
Pas encore libéré:
Ordres actifs
1 584 450.0000
crée le:
10 Jun 2021
Ordres actifs
1 584 450.0000
Période de libération:
1 année(s)
Paiement horaire:
Déjà déployé
9 999 032.2280
Portefeuille sur l'échangeur:
1 795 590.8190
746 911.4897
Vendu sur le marché:
6 357 466.3731
Pas encore libéré:
Volume d'achat direct:
Latest News
02:07:33 18 Jul, 2021

I was able to make quite a bit of progress on the site today. I think I have all of the pages laid out properly and simply need to go through and finish adding the material in it's proper place, check links to ensure theyre working properly, and finally fix the DNS settings so we can move over to our custom domain. I did get the store at least started on Shopify. I'm hoping I don't have many scheduling surprises over the next few days and I can get the site finished and still have 10-12 days to get the store all put together properly, while still making the August 1st target date I set. Until I get DNS fixed we're still on the google sites domain. Check out the progress here if youd like: Thanks, Justin The MadCap Group

02:07:40 09 Jul, 2021

I had some issues arise elsewhere that I've had to spend the past couple weeks taking care of. Those are all taken care of now and I can get back to work on this project. My original target date for the completion of the site was August 1st. Even with about a 2 week delay here while I handled other issues, I still hope to have the site built by August 1st. I've got quite a bit of work to do in the next couple weeks in order to make the target date, but I'm going to be working solely on this project until its completion so we should be ok. You can follow the development of the site at

07:06:10 20 Jun, 2021

We've been working on our website, getting our guides put together and the bugs sorted out. We still have to figure out whats going on in the DNS setting in order to get our custom domain to work properly. Until then it will remain at the google sites url . We hope to have everything done and fully operational by August 1st. In other news, our Kickstarter campaign is currently being reviewed. If that gets approved and we meet our goal, we'll have the funding necessary for some video equipment and editing software. This will be a huge addition, enabling us to provide step by step video guides that will be much more user friendly than simply reading the process and looking at pictures ever could be. But things are coming along nicely and we hope to have everything up and rolling here in about a month. Thanks, MadCap Group